[PIST TRUST] PIST TRUST Listed on Bittrex BTC Market
- PIST Trust to list additional BTC market following Bittrex USDT market-
-Combined with virtual assets and the real economy
- Dapp to be launched within the second quarter of 2021
-Mainnet launching within 2021
On May 7th, 2021, PIST TRUST’s PIST coin was listed on the USDT market on the Bittrex exchange. Followed by PIST TRUST additional listing on the BTC market at 1:00 am on the 25th. Bittrex is one of the largest U.S. cryptocurrency exchanges and gained popularity in Korea as their partnership and various shared market with Bittrex at the beginning of its launch.
PIST Trust is a one-stop platform for digital assets based on blockchain technology. It is designed to easily transfer various types of virtual assets between users using cross-chain technology that connects numerous blockchains. PIST Trust plans to provide a wide range of services, such as storage of virtual assets and real payment, and instant transaction process at 1000 TPS per second.
PIST Trust was created to address the excessive centralization of customer asset management and management of traditional financial businesses and extreme information asymmetry. To alleviate the current excessive centralization, we use a blockchain ledger to provide a more transparent system, faster transaction, and improved security than existing financial sectors.
The PIST Trust Mainnet is planned for launch this year. Along with plans to secure partnerships and allowing the use of virtual assets as real assets in real life. To realize our goal, we first intend to introduce a dedicated wallet app in the first half of the year.
Our platform has two coins, first, our PIST is a platform coin, and P-PASS is a stable coin. These two coins are linked through a dedicated wallet, the P-PASS is linked to the financial ecosystem, allowing users to pay like cash in real life and can be used in numerous financial affiliates. The PIST token plans to expand our services to various virtual asset products such as stacking and asset management in the future.
PIST Trust is designed to fully utilize blockchain’s trustlessness with our very own Mainnet and wallet. Both are currently in development and are planned to be released in the first half of the year 2021.
In addition to listing on the Bittrex BTC market, PIST Trust is continuously working to list on large domestic and foreign exchanges.